Cloister Mark Lodge Remembers
Bro. Levison in quiet contemplation
At 11:00am on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month 2023 , Bro. T. J. Levison Almoner of Cloister Mark Lodge accompanied by members of his lodge, attended the local Remembrance Service at Bramhall Cenotaph.
Bro. Levison laying the wreath
After a moment’s reflection, he placed the Mark Wreath at the foot of the Cenotaph, in memory of all of those brave Brethren, men and women who made the supreme sacrifice during the world’s two major conflicts.
Cloister/Laid wreath
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them”
Words courtesy of W. Bro. N. F. Paton PGStdB
Pictures courtesy of Mrs Caroline Levison